Case: Permissibility of circumventing usual policy in times of rationing

Lauren is a previously healthy 11-year-old female who is currently on veno-arterial (V-A) ECMO due to severe complications of influenza. She is up to date on routine vaccination, but her parents forgot to schedule an appointment for a seasonal influenza vaccine because her annual well visit typically falls over the summer. She has been on ECMO for 11 days. Lauren is having substantial ongoing need for blood product while on ECMO. However, due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the hospital’s blood supply is very diminished. Unprecedented rationing of medical resources - including ventilators, ECMO circuits, and blood product - is occurring in Lauren’s state due to the pandemic. Lauren’s parents request that they be able to donate blood directly to Lauren, side-stepping the usual rigorous testing procedures in order to facilitate more timely transfusion to their daughter.


  1. Is it ethically permissible to circumvent usual procedure in this case, and allow Lauren’s parents to provide blood for immediate transfusion?